




英國設計師Spencer Hart的作品,他真的適合這款午夜藍(Midnight Blue)的西裝,也突顯出他眼睛的顏色






Style Moment of The Week | Perfecting The Award Show Look


Men’s style at award shows has always been a game of inches instead of miles so it’s only fair of us to point out when someone manages to perfect every inch of their style. And, at Sunday’s Television Baftas, Benedict Cumberbatch did just that. 

頒獎禮上男人們的穿著總是重細節而輕整體。所以公平點來說,只有每個細節都精緻無比的人才會入我們的法眼。周日的BAFTA上,Benedict Cumberbatch顯然就是這麼個已經精緻到極致的男人.

Most men at the show got it wrong in one way or another. There’s not enough space to list everything but common offences included: too small suits, too big suits, half undone ties (nothing worse than preplanned nonchalance) and, worst of all, bad shoes – we’re looking at you Keith Lemon and Alan Carr.

這個頒獎禮上的大部分男人總是不是這裡不行就是那裡不好。篇幅不夠,不能一一細數,先抓幾個典型:衣服太小,衣服太大,打了一半的領帶(還有比刻意裝酷更糟的麼??),最糟的,一雙渣鞋 -- 別四處張望Keith Lemon and Alan Carr,在說你倆呢.

The man commonly known as Sherlock, however, avoided those pitfalls, teaming a perfectly tailored suit with a good pair of shoes and a slither of a Mad Men style pocket square. Perfectionists might say his time is a 1/4 inch undone but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

這位常為人津津樂道的夏洛克此次全無缺點,身著剪裁合身的套裝,一雙好鞋,隱現《廣告狂人》風格的口袋花。完美主義者會說領帶歪了1/4", 但是,大家不要這麼吹毛求疵好不好。

The pocket square is the important part of this outfit. A well tailored suit is essential but it’s always the little things that elevate an outfit. Mad Men has gotten a bad rap lately, having become synonymous with any grey suit ever made but there’s still little tips worth taking from Draper & Co.

口袋花是服裝的重要組成部分。服裝剪裁合身固然重要,但細節才是成敗關鍵。《廣告狂人》最近身背"惡名",變成了任何灰套裝的代名詞,但還是借鑒了Draper & Co的。

What can we take from this? The devil’s in the details – and never is that more apparent than at an event where everyone has to wear the same outfit. And get some good shoes, we all notice them.





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