Parade's End

Sir Tom Stoppard's adaptation of Ford Maddox Ford's series of novels for BBC Two



Interview with Benedict Cumberbatch


Date: 01.08.2012

Last updated: 01.08.2012 at 13.56

Category: BBC Two; Drama






An interview with Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays Christopher Tietjens, in Sir Tom Stoppard's adaptation of Parade's End for BBC Two.

一則對在Tom Stoppard 爵士為BBC2改編的《行進的目的》中飾演Christopher Tietjens一角的BC進行的採訪

In Parade's End, Benedict Cumberbatch takes on the role of Christopher Tietjens; a blockheaded man, a man born out of his time but ultimately a hero.

在《行進的目的》中,BC出演Christopher Tietjens,一個沉悶的男人。他生不逢時,但最終卻成為了一名英雄。


Says Benedict: "Parade's End is an elegy to the death throes of the Edwardian upper classes seen through the paradigm of a love triangle between Christopher, Sylvia Satterthwaite, his wife, and a young suffragette, Valentine Wannop. It takes place over a 10 year span before, during and after the First World War. The action moves from Groby in Yorkshire, the Tietjens family seat, to the corridors of power in Whitehall, the drawing rooms of high society and then from Rye to Germany and the trenches of Belgium. It is about a rapidly changing world being overtaken by politics and a war that in its appalling leadership sent eight million to their deaths and precipitated the end of Empire.

BC說:“《行進的目的》是一首獻給愛德華七世時代上層階級臨死掙扎的痛楚的哀歌,這種痛楚可以自Christopher、他的妻子Sylvia Satterthwaite和年輕的女政客Valentine Wannop之間的三角愛情關係中被看破。故事跨越一戰前、一戰中和一戰後長達十多年的時光。故事地點從Tietjens家族所在的約克郡格魯比村(英國中部小村莊,如今已是萊斯特市市區的一部分)到作為上流社會會客室的白廳權力走廊,再從拉伊鎮(英國南部海邊小鎮)到德國乃至比利時的戰壕。這是一個風起雲湧迅猛變化的時代,政治主宰一切,可怕的戰爭將八百萬個生命交付於死神並迅速促成了帝國的終結。”

 "Through the four books of Ford Maddox Ford's masterpiece there is a shift from romanticism to modernism. The novel is full of daring departures from linear timelines, streams of consciousness, sudden changes of points of view and other trademarks of the modernist novel. Despite some wonderful set pieces and dialogue it's a daunting task for a dramatist. Thankfully, Sir Tom Stoppard is our greatest living dramatist and as such has performed the miraculous task of preserving the best of Ford whilst folding in his own unmistakable flare and with extraordinary ingenuity has made a fluid linear narrative out of Ford's verbose prose style. It's a wonderful marriage of style, wit, heart and intelligence between the two writers and it was a privilege to try to do justice to the character of Christopher, aided by a fine cast and lead by the brilliant director Susanna White.


 "I have such a huge affection for Christopher, more so than almost any other character I've ever played. I sympathise with his care, sense of duty and virtue, his intelligence in the face of hypocritical, self serving mediocrity, his appreciation of quality and his love for his country. He mourns a way of life that is being eroded by money, schemers and politicians, ineffectual military boobies and the carelessness of man's industrialised progress. He is a noble if accidental hero fighting for relevance, a man out of time who is struggling with political and economic injustice. That's what makes him relevant in what could be dismissed as 'merely another Toff in a period drama'.


"The extraordinary relationship he has with his damaged, bored, dangerously privileged wife, Sylvia, is a very familiar tale of two people who intentionally or otherwise destroy each other by loving each other in the wrong way; he with a kindness and propriety which infuriates and drives her to the opposite extreme. The sexual chemistry between them and the deep mutual respect and love leads them both to hope for the ability to change each other and it is this that results in the destruction of their marriage. Christopher then meets Valentine, an extraordinary young kindred spirit and intellect who provokes him into 'gathering his thoughts' and who fells him like a lightning bolt with her boyish beauty and pluck. He is unable to do anything about his attraction to her because of his adherence to the principle of what he calls 'Parade' - the principle he expects of a man in a family of standing. But his propriety backfires, as does his attempt to right any wrongs and in combination with the enemies he makes (some of whom are Sylvia's lovers) results in him facing the reality that he is living by 'an outmoded code of conduct'. The tragic results of which make him a fool. He's bankrupted, his disgraced name attached to rumours of affairs and illegitimate children with Valentine bring about his father's death. He's without the bed or company of Sylvia and facing certain death on the western front. His decision to fight in the trenches comes from a need to will his bulk into standing up honestly in front of the guns rather than massaging the books and figures to justify all the stupidities of war that his hypocritical yes men masters at Whitehall wish him to do. He's a superior brain but an inferior soldier and having already been severely concussed on his first outing by a shell he begins to lose his intellect. He really is a tragic figure but he does find redemption in becoming an accidental hero at the front and taking Valentine as his lover if not his wife and finally severing ties with Sylvia by letting her keep Groby and Michael, her son. The 'parade' he lives his life by ends at the same time as the parade to disband the surviving volunteers ends the First World War.


 Benedict continues: "On a domestic drama level it's cosmetically about a failed relationship; two people who love each other but want utterly different things from each other and end up destroying each other in the process. Christopher is killing Sylvia through kindness and tolerance, she is killing him through extravagance, infidelity and bad behaviour. What makes him heroic is the idea that he stands for what he believes in with utter transparency and to hell with the consequences of living by what he believes.


 "And yet it's such an ever changing world that he ends up being foolish in a lot of situations, reduced to being a comic butt of circumstance. He is buffeted in every single direction by a changing world, which he sometimes stubbornly refuses to adapt to but sometimes just can't understand. He doesn't want to understand because it's so divorced from the pragmatism of who he is and what he's about, which is honour, serving above and below, being loyal to the past and doing your duty."


 And Benedict is confident the drama has huge resonance for a modern audience:


 "We're living through a time where we are fighting wars fostered by politics, admittedly not on the same scale as the First World War, but with equally tragic realities for our soldiers and their families. We are living in a world where financial and political bonds in Europe are just falling apart, we're living in time of political hypocrisy and there aren't that many really good people and Christopher is just that: a good man.


 "His care for his country, his past his family, Michael, Sylvia, Macmaster, Groby, the land and the great cedar tree, horses and his men on the front line all lead me to love this fat, baggy bolster of a blockhead with all my heart. It's what distinguishes him from being 'yet another toff' to being quietly but truly heroic. His virtue and diligence but also the fights and principles he stands for are in many ways modern and thoroughly relevant to today, which again salvage him and the drama from being a nostalgia piece. His concern for the environment, the structure of a family, the corrupting elements of money and politics and our move away from a sustainable society into a consumer society of short term interest are all contemporary issues. Maybe they have been since the industrial revolution but we are a century on since his time and we are still fighting wars, raping the planet, living fractured family lives and living with the consequences ever more potently.

 “他對祖國的關懷,他的過去,他的家庭,Michael,Sylvia,Macmaster, Groby,那片土地和高大的雪松,馬匹和他在前線的手下,都引領著我發自內心地愛上這個肥胖臃腫的榆木腦袋。這就是他有別於‘又一個花花公子’的地方,他低調卻是真正的英雄。他的美德和勤勉,鬥志以及他所代表的原則從很多方面來說是現代化的,也與今時今日休戚相關,這又把他和這部劇集從變成一部懷舊之作中挽救出來。他對環境的憂慮,家庭的構造,金錢和政治中的腐敗因素,還有我們出於短期利益而從可持續發展的社會進入到了一個消費社會,這些都是當下的問題。或許自工業**以來它們就存在,但是我們是他的時代之後的又一個世紀,而我們依然在打仗,掠奪這個星球,四分五裂的家庭依然存在,與更加嚴峻的後果共存。”

"By accident this is the second project I did last his year which has a grand metaphor and is really saying we are now going to reap what we have sown. Frankenstein was all about the idea that through electricity and the destruction of night, man creating light and darkness, we took on god like powers and then abused them like gods and we are only men. That a story about man making a man in his own image. The inversion of natural order. And whether you have belief in religion or not it's more about the fact that we've taken our resources well beyond their capability to sustain the development that our excursions into technology have needed. I think both of them are warnings. If Parade's End is more in line with man destroying man in all out war.


 Benedict was deeply affected by the images of war on the frontline, both in the novel and during filming in Belgium.


"We visited Ypres and that whole part of Western Front and I thought I'm seeing something universal. I can now imagine seeing, as a soldier in trenches, the vastness of the sky, because the land is so flat so unvaried. Then when I got into the trench that we created for Parade's End with one of those tin hats on, I realised you're standing basically in a grave, a six foot hole, you're that near to death anyway. Everything above you is exploding and anything over the edge is death. With the tin trench helmet on you hardly see any sky. It becomes as thin as a letterbox and what sky there is just exploding. It is quite extraordinary. Just the hardship of it all, the clutter of being a soldier; big woollen coats that kept you warm if it was dry and cold but boil you in any sun and just weighed you down if it was wet and cold. The practicality of just moving around was hard enough and you're supposed to be a fighting machine, keep charge of a company in a rat run. Let alone the daily routine of keeping order, making sure men's kit is clean, maintaining sanitation and a working order to people's lives in that ridiculous landscape but to actually have to fight… I can't tell you how it brought that home. Just getting up the side of the trenches is hard but going up a ladder knowing you are walking into gunfire goes against every instinct of what it is to be a human being or feel alive. I think they must have had a lot of rum."


 And one series of events rippled with the emotional weight of the experience.


 "There was one ghostly incident I encountered. I felt like I was carrying an awful lot of stuff around when I was in Flanders and I think that was partly due to tapping into it and trying to understand the fear, the loss and the horror of war, the sheer power of the disruption.


 "I was next to someone, they woke up and asked me a question and when I answered they screamed and said they had seen me sat up on edge of my bed but when I spoke they saw I was lying down next to them. They looked back and the figure turned round and half its face was missing and it was in a First World War uniform. It was a clear image then dissolved into light. I believe in energy and carrying things around but I'm not sure.


 "Then two days later, back in Belgium filming a scene where someone was being exploded over the top of me, bounced off me and fell to the ground – a German soldier with half his face missing. An odd correlation."






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缺的新戲-Parade's End(對列之末)決定由BBC 2台來播出了



 定於今年9月BBC 2台播出


Parade’s End的時空背景



本尼迪克特‧康伯巴奇,魯伯特·埃弗里特,麗蓓嘉‧霍爾,凱瑞·穆雷根和米蘭達·理查森 , 演出動盪年期間-貴族Christopher Tietjens的與他的社會名流的妻子Sylvia ,和他的參政情人-Valentine的事困擾三人的關係的故事於1911年,直到第一次世界大戰結束。



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Lestrade 手上拿著兩杯貌似剛買的咖啡走過來。「咖啡。」他將自己手上另一杯咖啡遞給Sherlock,然後坐在Sherlock的旁邊。












「你覺得我應該依照你的話去做嗎? Lestrade。」Sherlock冷笑了一下。












I’m waiting for you, John.

























「以後你就要改名叫Sherlock Watson Holmes。」

「不!是你才要改名!John Holmes Watson。」








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英國設計師Spencer Hart的作品,他真的適合這款午夜藍(Midnight Blue)的西裝,也突顯出他眼睛的顏色


Style Moment of The Week | Perfecting The Award Show Look


Men’s style at award shows has always been a game of inches instead of miles so it’s only fair of us to point out when someone manages to perfect every inch of their style. And, at Sunday’s Television Baftas, Benedict Cumberbatch did just that. 

頒獎禮上男人們的穿著總是重細節而輕整體。所以公平點來說,只有每個細節都精緻無比的人才會入我們的法眼。周日的BAFTA上,Benedict Cumberbatch顯然就是這麼個已經精緻到極致的男人.

Most men at the show got it wrong in one way or another. There’s not enough space to list everything but common offences included: too small suits, too big suits, half undone ties (nothing worse than preplanned nonchalance) and, worst of all, bad shoes – we’re looking at you Keith Lemon and Alan Carr.

這個頒獎禮上的大部分男人總是不是這裡不行就是那裡不好。篇幅不夠,不能一一細數,先抓幾個典型:衣服太小,衣服太大,打了一半的領帶(還有比刻意裝酷更糟的麼??),最糟的,一雙渣鞋 -- 別四處張望Keith Lemon and Alan Carr,在說你倆呢.

The man commonly known as Sherlock, however, avoided those pitfalls, teaming a perfectly tailored suit with a good pair of shoes and a slither of a Mad Men style pocket square. Perfectionists might say his time is a 1/4 inch undone but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

這位常為人津津樂道的夏洛克此次全無缺點,身著剪裁合身的套裝,一雙好鞋,隱現《廣告狂人》風格的口袋花。完美主義者會說領帶歪了1/4", 但是,大家不要這麼吹毛求疵好不好。

The pocket square is the important part of this outfit. A well tailored suit is essential but it’s always the little things that elevate an outfit. Mad Men has gotten a bad rap lately, having become synonymous with any grey suit ever made but there’s still little tips worth taking from Draper & Co.

口袋花是服裝的重要組成部分。服裝剪裁合身固然重要,但細節才是成敗關鍵。《廣告狂人》最近身背"惡名",變成了任何灰套裝的代名詞,但還是借鑒了Draper & Co的。

What can we take from this? The devil’s in the details – and never is that more apparent than at an event where everyone has to wear the same outfit. And get some good shoes, we all notice them.




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5/23號缺去參加了Men in Black III’的首映禮








合照的女生是和缺合作過的Alice Eve,是缺的朋友(真的純朋友)

tumblr_m4infk5ZwL1qdojd4o3_1280  tumblr_m4iosgnazq1qdojd4o4_400 


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